Hotel Cristallo, eco-friendly hotel in Rovigo
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Adults Children Infants
12 years and younger 3 years and younger
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    Free Wi-Fi in the whole building and in the rooms


The environment is important to us. This is why we participate in Stay for the Planet, a program based on a Standard recognized by GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council), the organization that establishes and guides standards for sustainable development in the travel and tourism sector globally.

The program is based on a sustainability rating developed by the LifeGate scientific committee which, through the assignment of a score from 1 to 5 expressed in leaves, reflects the environmental and social performance of the hotels in the following impact areas: Energy, Water , Waste, Purchases, Behaviors and People

Thanks to constant monitoring of consumption we aim to preserve resources; we rigorously carry out separate waste collection to which we ask you to contribute via the appropriate bins located in the common areas; we raise our guests' awareness of food waste and offer various vegetarian and vegan alternatives.

Stay for the planet


A certified commitment

The hotel is honored to announce that it has been awarded the Green Key certification, a prestigious award conferred by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), which testifies to our commitment to more sustainable hospitality.

Achieving Green Key certification is the result of a journey of continuous improvement aimed at meeting strict standards in the areas of environmental management, energy efficiency, waste management, responsible use of water resources, nature conservation and promotion of sustainable practices.

We are proud to be part of this movement, believing that together with our guests and employees, we can actively contribute to the preservation of our precious land.


Green Key - Hotel Cristallo Rovigo
